Welcome to m\body.

Many of us recognize the relationship between the state of the mind and the state of the body, often referred to as “mind-body connection.” However, a more accurate expression would be mind\body unity— much like yin & yang, body & mind are two sides of the same coin.

While we have been shaped by a culture that values productivity and the intellect of the mind, it has come at the expense of fully inhabiting our bodies. This often leads to many of us missing or ignoring subtle and intelligent cues that eventually resort to screams to get our attention.

If you recognize the need to tip the scales in favor of mind\body balance; if you hope to feel more embodied & empowered, to remember your inherent wholeness, you’ve come to the right place. At m\body, you are invited to connect to your whole being, to become intimately familiar with the wisdom of your body, and to realize that you are your own healer.

Begin your journey today.